Lisa's Blog

Random thoughts, opinions, musings, stuff...


I have been married for 13 years to my wonderful husband, Tom. We have 3 beautiful girls. Ages 12, 10, and 6 months. We pastor a small home-based faith community called Matthew's House.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

a couple thoughts

We went to a friends wedding today. Just thinking how different Protestant weddings are from Catholic weddings. Our service was 2 hrs. long. There was lots of worship, lots of scripture readings, and mass. At the reception there was lots of dancing and drinking (not getting drunk, just some wine & champane). Most Protestant weddings we have been to have lasted 20 to 30 minutes and there has not been any drinking or dancing at the reception. Maybe I'm a heathen but I kind of like the drinking and dancing :) A lot of people I guess like weddings to be short and sweet. We probably tortured a lot of people at ours.

On another note but similar, I find that I still have a Catholic mindset in regards to procreation. A friend of mine recently had a dream in which I had two more children. The thought of being pregnant again (my pregnancies are far from normal) makes me want to cry but I wouldn't mind having more. I think it is awesome to be able to share in God's creative power that way. I think one of the greatest things we can do in this life is bring a new life into this world that is going to go on to live into eternity. I view my children as such precious gifts! For some reason I never thought I would have children of my own. Don't know why but I always thought I would be adopting lots of kids. I think it is awesome when people choose to do this. I think apart from God we wouldn't have been able to bring children into this world because my pregnancies are so complicated. I think all 3 of my girls are little miracles.


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